

Triplex Cleatformer

For reinforced "S" and drive cleats plus two optional auxiliary sheet-edge operations. Combination "S" and drive cleat scrap cutter attachment available.
Triplex Cleatformer
Base price
Triplex Cleatformer
Triplex Cleatformer

Triplex Cleatformer

For reinforced "S" and drive cleats plus two optional auxiliary sheet-edge operations. Combination "S" and drive cleat scrap cutter attachment available. Every 9-station Triplex Cleatformer incorporates Lockformer®'s tri-plate construction and reinforced flat "S" cleat. The inboard "S" and drive cleat roll sets are furnished as standard between plate housings. Extended shafts on both sides of the machine can accommodate many other sheet-edge operations, including the 20 gauge Pittsburgh Lock and the Button Punch Snap Lock.

Triplex construction provides two inboard forming positions supported between side plates. This bearing support on both sides of the profile controls deflection encountered when running heavy-gauge material or unusually intricate shapes.

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